Defending God - 3

To catch-up on the flow of the story Read Defending God-1 & Defending God-2


His fingers knew the feel of a stone that could be trusted to fly straight. Practice – Experience  - had sharpened his skills.


As he advanced toward the enemy, David allowed his fingers to select stones suited for the battle. He stooped toward the stream bed, but never took his eyes off the target – the profanity spewing giant.


One stone, placed in his shepherd’s pouch. Then another.

Then, he found the stone that was “the one.” Large enough. Round enough. Smooth enough.

Into the cradle of the sling it went.


Instinctively he knew that he needed more than three stones. So two more were chosen and placed into his pouch.


Five stones. It’s good to have more than one.

When you are offered the opportunities to learn, to develop skills, don’t short-change yourself. Don’t be content with one stone.

You may not be naturally good in math or history or science, but pick up those stones and place them in your tool bag.


Each of the five stones was important, precious.

Precious because of their connection with God’s Plan.

Our idea of “precious stones” needs to be broadened. Diamonds, rubies, opals, emeralds. We quickly recognize the names and their values.

River stone? Path stone? Foundation stone?

God never asks you to acquire a skill for which He doesn’t have a task that it will enable you to complete for Him.


You can choose not to pick up the stone – not to take on learning the skill, but in doing so, you will be less useful to God than you have the potential to be. Someone will be called on to complete the mission, it just won’t be you.

The Israelite soldiers who were trained to fight for God’s honor chose not to accept the mission. God provided someone else.


After Goliath lay on the battlefield, dead, I can imagine that there were numerous soldiers who said to each other, “That was easy. I could have done that.”


The difference was in David’s focus and the attitude that “All of my skills and talents are to be used to honor God.”

The other soldiers did not know God well enough to have confidence in His ability and willingness to deliver – they weren’t really sure that God Saves.

They were worried about losing the battle with the giant. They were worried about the possibility of shame and defeat. They were focused on themselves.

Can any normal soldier compete against such an enemy? My dagger against that giant’s sword? My spear against the tree-spear that Goliath carries?

Their focus was on self; their attitude was “I can ignore the insults to God. If He isn’t going to send lightning to strike that giant, why should I risk my life?”


We all face giants every day. Sometimes I think it would be easier if the giants were flesh and blood like Goliath.

But often the giants can’t be seen. They are real, but we have gotten pretty good at hiding in our tents and pretending they will go away if we ignore them.


There’s Hope. The same God who was with David longs to be with you in your battles.

Just ask. He will not disappoint you.