Married to the Lamb

In the illustration used by Jesus, the coin represented the owner’s “marriage” relationship with God.

Earth is the only one of all the creation worlds that has lost its original position from God’s Jewelry.


In the story illustration, God is the One who searches for the lost coin – Earth and its population.

The Earth does not know it is lost.

But the Bride knows. And the value of what was lost.


Jesus desires to wear us as His Marriage Coins.

We, in turn, wear Jesus, so that others will know our connection to Him.


We must pray for eyes that see the value of the lost coins around us.

We must pray for insight so that we become aware of the lost coins in our own marriage with Jesus.

We must live so that He can be the Light to reveal their need.


Everyone has at least one ministry assigned by Jesus!

Here it is!

“Let your light so shine” that others will be found and brought to Jesus!